Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Customer Service Of VTI KarMart Samples †MyAssignmenthelp.com

Question: Discuss about the Customer Service Of VTI KarMart. Answer: Customer service is an important factor in developing a wide and loyal customer base. A customer service plan deeply examines customers' perceptions and expectations of a company and guides the company through the process of bringing its customer service activities in line with customers' needs. VTI KarMarts (GM) vision statement and mission statement address the strategic direction needs of the automotive business. However, there are opportunities to improve these corporate statements. General Motors vision statement indicates what the business aims to achieve in the future. The companys corporate mission statement establishes the approaches needed to push the organization toward its desired future position in the automotive industry. As one of the largest firms in the global automobile market, VTI KarMarts corporate vision statement and corporate mission statement must agree with each other. Such agreement facilitates decision-making and problem-solving processes in the business. Also, adjustments in the corporate mission and vision are needed to support General Motors flexibility in dealing with changes in market conditions worldwide. VTI KarMarts Vision Statement VTI KarMarts corporate vision is to become the worlds most valued automotive company. This vision statement points to the leadership of the business while considering the conditions of the global market and the various factors at play. Thus, the following are the main components of Vision statement: World (global market) Most valued company VTI KarMarts Mission Statement VTI KarMarts corporate mission is to earn customers for life by building brands that inspire passion and loyalty through not only breakthrough technologies but also by serving and improving the communities in which we live and work around the world. This mission statement shows a holistic approach to addressing external factors that influence the business. Thus, the following are the components or features of their mission statement: Earn customers for life Building brands that inspire passion and loyalty Breakthrough technologies Serving and improving communities in which we live and work around the world Identifying of customer needs Strategies for identifying customer needs are an integral element of a companys marketing program. Understanding customer needs helps refine product development projects, marketing communication programs and distribution choices. Companies that launch products without researching and taking account of customer needs run a high risk of failure. Research Carrying out customer research as part of the marketing strategy provides a broad view of customer needs. Review published market research on the sectors that target to identify trends or changes in purchasing patterns. Visit customers websites to assess their product and market strategies and identify opportunities to meet their current or future product needs. Customer Feedback A strategy that encourages customer feedback will provide with insight into customers attitudes towards the products and services, helping identify how well are meeting their needs. Set up a forum or poll on the website or on a social media site where customers can post reviews or leave comments. Encourage customers to join a user group or other community where they can share their experience in using the products and make recommendations for changes or improvements. Acknowledge the feedback from customers and respond to requests for improvements. Assessment of customer needs In order to successfully serve customers, businesses must have an acute understanding of customers needs. Using market research and conducting a Customer Needs Assessment shows customers are willing to invest time and effort into really understanding their needs and can ultimately secure a lifetime customer. As stated in a prior blog post, the real value of customer satisfaction surveying may be the survey instrument itself because it reaches out and asks how are we doing? A customer needs assessment uncovers the precise needs of customers, how these needs are (or are not) currently being fulfilled, and what is required to improve satisfaction and loyalty. This type of research technique profiles who the customers are, details their loyalty, and assesses their needs. By conducting customer market research, can find the answers to things like: What is the average revenue/income of the customers? Where customers are geographically based? What products or services are these customers currently purchasing to fulfill their needs? What factors drive the decision-making of these customers (e.g., price, service, reliability)? How do these customers make buying decisions (e.g., multiple decision makers, multiple bids)? How likely are customers to re-purchase products/services from? By truly understanding customers, are able to adapt to changes and keep fresh on customer expectations. This type of research will also help identify loyalty factors to ensure the business success. Differentiating self and the way market self is critical in retaining customer market share, and a customer needs assessment is a key tool in achieving a consultative mindset with the customer. Response to customer needs Communicate corporate customer service guidelines and policies Provide streamlined sources for citizens and employees regardless of how accessed Continue to be responsive to customers through proactive engagement and solicitation of their satisfaction levels Continually assess the services being offered and the available access points to ensure customer needs are being met Continue to evolve our customer service guidelines, policies, processes and methods of accessibility to meet the ongoing and ever-changing needs of the customers and stakeholders we serve Benchmark service availability and standards and compare with the leading practices of other municipalities; modify where warranted Work to ensure that departments have an effective customer feedback system in place that enables both internal and external customers to comment on their services and provide suggestions for improvement Conduct service satisfaction surveys with the community and staff to gauge awareness and approval of service quality and levels both internally and externally Quality customer service The key to good customer service is building good relationships with the customers. Thanking the customer and promoting a positive, helpful and friendly environment will ensure they leave with a great impression. A happy customer will return often and is likely to spend more. To ensure the best customer service: To know what customers consider to be good customer service find out customers' expectations follow up with both positive and negative feedback received Consider customer service in all aspects of business Continuously look for ways to improve the level of customer service delivery. Once one knows what customers want and must have to be fully satisfied with the products and services, the next step is to guarantee which will deliver that each and every time. Service guarantees are the measurable standards set to ensure that employees deliver a consistent product. They are the critical indicators of whether the employees are winning or losing. Service guarantees are the scorecard and measurement of the success. Causes of customer dissatisfaction Not understanding what customers expect. Making an effort to discover what customers expect from in terms of service and products is the way to satisfying their needs. Failing to fulfill customer requirement is one of the major reasons for customer dissatisfaction. Another major reason is poor communication skill of the service manager. Customer handling procedure Intent attention: Listen to the customer, and do not interrupt them. They need to tell their story and feel that they have been heard. Gratitude: Thank the customer for bringing the problem to the attention. cannot resolve something is not completely aware of, or maybe making faulty assumptions about. Apologize: Sincerely convey to the customer apology for the way the situation has made them feel. Best Solution: Determine what the customer is seeking as a solution. Ask them; often theyll surprise for asking for less than initially thought have to giveespecially when they perceive the apology and intention is genuinely sincere (Kyj and Kyj 2013). Agreement: Seek to agree on the solution that will resolve the situation to their satisfaction. The best intentions can miss the mark completely if still fail to deliver what the customer wants. Quick Action: Act on the solution with a sense of urgency. Customers will often respond more positively to the focus on helping them immediately versus than on the solution itself. Follow-up: Follow-up to ensure the customer is completely satisfied, especially when have had to enlist the help of others for the solution delivery. Reasons for delivery drivers failure Inadequate training on service delivery is the main reason behind the failure of delivery drivers. They have not defined the companys service vision or initiative. Possible measures and recommendation E-Learning and online training technology should be used for delivery; there are a couple of reasons this is the best delivery method. The first is that can create a learning environment where it is safe to fail, without life or death consequences. Carefully track driver and safety records regularly, which will allow customizing training and focusing it on areas where each employee needs it most. Just as much as safety is a necessity in delivery driver training, so should customer service training be significant. The drivers are the face of the organization in so many ways. View training as continual throughout a delivery drivers entire career. Training should not stop after orientationit should always be built upon, much like UPS does. Blended learning is a great learning delivery style. Incorporate e-Learning and online training with on-the-job and ride along-style training to get the best results. Train not just on the expected but also potentially unexpected situations faced by drivers. It is important to empower drivers in a way that makes them feel prepared and comfortable handling the unexpected, so consider this when designing e-Learning. Plenty of different KPIs There are plenty of different KPIs can use to measure customer service and the success of the businesss customer service strategy. Satisfaction Improvement One way to measure customer service is to track changes in customer satisfaction over time. Customer Retention Customers who are happy with the service providers are likely to stick around and do more business with the company. Resolved Issues One can also look at all of the issues that the customer service team has determined to get an idea of customer service. Employee Productivity Different types of businesses use different methods to measure employee productivity. Cash flow Cash flow can be a great performance indicator for many different business factors. Customer service is such an important factor that it can have a significant impact on the bottom line Questionnaire Do own a car? Yes/no. f no goes to question 4, or otherwise proceed serialwise. Which car do you own? Hyundai cantor Maruti800 Martinez Wagon Telcos indicia Marti esteem opal astral. Any other. Do you think that would be buying a car in the near future? Yes/no, f no go to question 12 or otherwise precedes serial wise Which factors do you think would influence purchasing decision the most? Price Financing past financial record brand name Word of mouth shape and size technical aspect After sale service any other (please specify). Does the companys past financial performance affect the final decision? Not at all not too much significant What do you look for in a car? Rank in order of preference. Here are five ways can use feedback to improve customer service. 1) Adding credibility Positive feedback is a great way of counteracting the effects of negative commentary and can help to increase businesses performance. 2) Increasing sales E-commerce works best when people trust a website, seller or brand, and honest reviews which are highly visible are one of the most effective ways of increasing trust. 3) Showing responsive Negative feedback can sometimes be good. It gives an opportunity to redeem self, replying with a polite, personalized and thorough response. 5) Serving as a business development road map Importance of feedback Feedback allows trusting the direction is going in. Instead of speculating on what one think or hope customers want, be giving them exactly what theyve asked for and can confidently move the business forward in the right direction. Listening to the customers is the only way to guarantee create a product or service that they want to buy. Customer feedback is commonly used throughout the product development process to ensure that the end product is something that solves a customers problem or fulfils a need. The most innovative companies in the world are the best at creating products that meet their customers needs and exceed their expectations. In todays competitive business world, these companies who can intertwine product development and customer feedback will be the ones that reap strong competitive advantages, have sticky customer loyalty and earn raving customer advocates. Technology enables faster and better service that customers demand It is a byproduct of technological innovation. Customers expect the business to at least have own website, where they can know more about what one offer and answer questions about the business, products or services (Setia, Venkatesh and Joglekar 2013). They expect to have an email were they can reach, and they want to answer questions and concerns promptly on the social media accounts. They want to be able to reach via multiple devices and interact act with via mobile phone. Not only do they expect to have an online presence, they also demand seamless integration among the online accounts and customer service touch points and why not? It should be relatively easy to check the Facebook account or coordinate with a customer service agent they spoke with about an issue or question. Customers do not want to waste time repeating something theyve said before and expect to be on top of any problems they have with the product. Technology helps to improve the customer experience Technology gives the ability to interact with customers on a regular basis. Do not miss this opportunity to gather as much feedback and customer insight as one can to inform the next marketing campaign or to introduce improvements to the current products or service. Encourage active engagement with the online followers. Reach out to the target audience. Find out exactly what they want. Do not take criticisms in a negative light, but as an opportunity to improve. There are few ways to solve a conflict between the customer and team member If you cannot accept customers request, you can at least try to help them the other way. As soon as a customer sees that you really want to help them and not just hide behind the policy, their opinion about you, your service and your company might change. Make your policies clear to everyone. The customers as well the team members should aware of the policies of the company in terms of customer service. Try to investigate the whole customer journey and come up with the idea of adding more information about it on your companys website. Regardless of all problems your customers will have, the most important part is to do the conversation closing with style. Instead of just saying the generic thank you for your call, have a nice day, think about something more sophisticated. References Kyj, L.S. and Kyj, M.J., 2013. Customer service: product differentiation in international markets.International Journal of Physical Distribution Materials Management. Setia, P., Venkatesh, V. and Joglekar, S., 2013. Leveraging digital technologies: How information quality leads to localized capabilities and customer service performance.Mis Quarterly,37(2).

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